Sunday 7 October 2012

Crystal Cathedral, religous tableaux & stunning toilets

I've seen some fantastic images of the Crystal Cathedral, Annaheim so I was very pleased when I had the opportunity to see it for myself.  In the extensive grounds were tableaux of recognisable bible stories including Moses with the Ten Commandments; Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus travelling with a donkey and the Return of the Prodigal Son.  All were very detailed and reminded me of the perfect illustrations in some religious newsletters.  The walkways were paved with hundreds of plaques showing quotes from the bible and the names of the people who had perhaps sponsored them.  Elements of the architecture were stunning but other aspects were reminiscent of office blocks - perhaps that was what they were.  Unfortunately we couldn't go inside, every door was locked and security guards patrolled the area just incase someone did ... what?  However, we did peer inside the windows to see a modern auditorium which resembled the setting for a party political conference.  The only places that seemed to be open were the restrooms.  The Ladies was expensively decorated with fittings and finishes worthy of the most select homes and hotels.  Obviously the Crystal Cathedral Ministries isn't short of money. 

"To be inspired and motivated through possibility thinking to grow in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ to be the persons God dreams, desires, and designed us to be."
                                                                        - The Crystal Cathedral Vision Statement

Crystal Cathedral, Annaheim Ca

Crystal Cathedral, Annaheim Ca

Return of the Prodigal Son (modelled on Charlton Heston?)

Ladies' Restroom

Light Fittings in Ladies Restroom